Summer Camps

Summer camps are part of follow-up psychosocial care. They play a crucial role in the overall recovery of children who have faced a serious illness. Two camps are organized - for children up to 10 years old with mothers and siblings, and for children and youth over 10 years old.

What is the purpose of this initiative?

Celebrating life

  • The camps serve as a celebration of overcoming illness and limitations.

Coping with past experiences

  • Clearly aware of the importance of releasing accumulated pain and despair, the camps provide a space for emotional release and the creation of mental comfort. Providing a calm and safe environment, the camps encourage open communication, break down barriers and allow participants to share their problems, fears, anxieties, and dreams.

Activating resources

  • Summer camps play an extremely important role in venting accumulated pain and despair, in gathering resources to deal with difficult situations. The greatest victory for any child who has overcome illness is to believe that he is a hero and not an outsider, to know that he is not alone and that the best is yet to come.

Shared joy and laughter and community building

  • Emphasizing the therapeutic value of shared experiences, participants have the opportunity to talk, laugh together, enjoy joint activities and search for a path to happiness. Effective community building environments are created for children, youth, and their parents. This sense of community helps overcome feelings of isolation. The best medicine for the soul is to share with a brother by fate, laugh at adversity and look for a path to happiness together.

Learning coping strategies

  • The interactions during the camps offer an opportunity to learn ways to deal with emotional and psychological crises, contributing to better mental health. Acquiring coping strategies has a positive impact not only on self-esteem, but also on academic achievement, career choices, and overall success in life.
  • The camps are absolutely free so that we guarantee access to everyone, without any financial commitment to the families, because we believe that everyone who has gone through the thorny path should be supported in the best possible way

The camps are truly a beacon of hope and resilience!